Project marking rubric

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1
Online Participation (20%)
  1. Discuss the problem with your group on Edmodo; understand and define the problem (see hints and tips).
  2. Brainstorm problem solving methods.
  3. Show online research using links/screenshots.
  4. Give positive feedback to others' posts and ideas.
  5. Make a plan – choose a method to use
Missing one element from above Missing more than one element from above Basic positive participation; comments but no input to problem solving process No positive online participation
Class Participation (20%)
  1. Full participation in problem solving class; discuss method with group, work together in group to solve problem.
  2. Write down method being used.
  3. Solve problem using this method, including neat and organised mathematical workings.
    (Each person must have the written solution and workings for each part.)
Missing one element from above. Missing more than one element from above. Basic positive participation in class but no input into problem solving process. No positive class participation
Problem Solving (20%)
  1. Problem is solved using a valid, accurate method.
  2. Method used shows good mathematical reasoning and logical thinking.
  3. All parts of the problem are solved.
Method is valid but mathematically basic. Method is valid but not executed correctly. Not all parts of the problem solved. No attempt at problem solving.
Presentation (20%)
    Must include a method of presentation e.g. Poster or powerpoint presentation.
    Presentation should include
  1. Reasons for choosing this method,
  2. Other discounted methods,
  3. How the answers were calculated.
  4. Well presented explanation, show good verbal skills.
Includes presentation method but is missing one element from above. Includes presentation method but is missing more than one element from above. No method of presentation, verbal presentation only. No presentation
Reflection (20%) At least 10 sentences answering the following:
Includes a comparison of your method to others presented,
  1. would you solve the problem the same way again?
  2. Was it accurate in comparison to others?
An honest reflection of your participation.
  1. Did you participate fully online?
  2. In class?
Missing one of the above elements or too short. Missing more than one of the above elements or too short. Reflection submitted but did not include all elements and was too short. No reflection submitted.